Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How I Got Here

Proverbs 3:5-6      

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

This new venture began as a career change

Prior to the program, I was a Navy Chief Petty Officer, having spent the better part of 23 years in the military, I learned I was gifted in teaching, coaching and motivating others. I looked at the teaching and counseling fields. It took me a year of deliberation before I chose Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA). I loved the idea of attending a Christian program and I was amazed at how psychology and Christianity were integrated.
Several in the program have asked me if I feel I was jipped by attending PBA and I can say without hesitation NO I was not. This program is focused on the content but not to the neglect of developing the heart of the counselor. I believe this facet makes it my top pick of counseling programs for a Christian.
We learned from the first class that we are “Wounded Healers”, when this is personified in a counseling relationship it is invaluable.

Three things

·        Trust – I have learned to trust God and rely on him even when I felt I could go no further. We all know too well that life gets out of balance and sometimes we go days and months without coming up for air. We talk about balance but working and going to school full time on top of internship doesn’t leave much time for balance.

      I recently heard a story about a business man who hired a Navy SEAL to train him in his daily life for 30 days. The biggest lesson he learned is that when you think you are done you are only 40 percent done. I will agree to that, I had a lot more in me than I ever realized.

·        Leaning on God – I learned to wait on God and stand on his truth. Believing that his plan is perfect when I go through setbacks, confusion and difficulties. Having changed jobs several times, experienced financial stress, and plagued with several automotive accidents in a short period of time, I’ve had to rely on him to give me the strength and knowledge to carry on in spite of the issue of life.

·        Acknowledging God – This by far is the been the most instrumental in my development through the program. When I have been confused, disappointed, angry, disrespected – I have brought my whole heart to God. I have sought his face and every time he has been faithful to direct my path. 

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